Matt was the Biological Scientist and data manager in the lab from 2018 to 2020.
Increasingly scientists are sharing their code on public repositories like GitHub, SourceForge, and RForge. This sharing necessitates the need for scientists to write readable code with helpful documentation. rOpenSci is a collaborative created to foster better coding in R, including writing a style guide on coding in R and peer-reviewing packages. Scientists should consider adopting these style guides to facilitate better interactions with people using or modifying their code.
On March 30 we hosted our second BioBlitz at Quiet Waters Park. Over 40 people came to this event, and helped us tally over 170 species in the park. We had a lot of surprises including nesting owls, river otters, and tagged butterflies.
In this post you’ll find preliminary results from our movement ecology review.
In this post you’ll find an introduction to our movement ecology review (on the way!) and a survey for movement ecologists.
In this post you’ll find the complete results of our survey about R packages for movement analysis and tracking data processing.
The Tree Tops Park BioBlitz completed with great success this Saturday. We had over 20 people show up to help us document the species in this park. We logged almost 300 observation of 140 species. This was a tremendous success and we hope to take what we learned this time and translate it to even better BioBlitzes in the future.
We are conducting our first ever BioBlitz at Tree Tops Park this November. These events allow citizens and experts to come together to count all plants and animals in the park. Join us November 3rd to kick off our inaugural BioBlitz.
All around the world, citizens and researchers are coming together to explore, discover, and learn about biodiversity in their local parks and nature reserves. In these so called BioBlitzes, new species are discovered, undocumented species are found, and families get to enjoy the outside together.