sftrack 0.6.0 (2020–): Time column, converters, and raccoons dataset Unreleased

  • The time column is now of its own sft_timestamp class.
  • Added converters to and from adehabitatLT::ltraj, trackeR::trackeRdata, and amt::track_xyt.
  • amt, and trackeR included as suggests.
  • Added ‘raccoons’ dataset, available as raw data (data.frame “raccoons”), tracking data (sftrack “racc_track”), and movement data (straj “racc_traj”). Removed old ‘raccoon’ dataset + updated vignettes (with other minor tweaks) + updated documentation.
  • Changed ‘summary_sftrack’ to ‘group_summary’, and added area covered. Fixed counting of NAs in this function.
  • plot.sftraj: Argument step_mode changed to mode with more flexibility.

sftrack 0.5.3 (2021-07-01): CRAN update Unreleased

  • Minor bug in geom_sftrack.sftrack that caused an error.
  • Updated email addresses for 2 authors, including maintainer.

sftrack 0.5.2 (2020-10-20) 2020-11-05

  • Clean up for CRAN (DESCRIPTION, version, LICENSE, vignettes…).
  • Added full pkgdown website.

sftrack 0.5.1 (2020-09-16) Unreleased

  • Patched print error when using numeric time.
  • Vignette updates.

sftrack 0.5 (2020-09-13): Grouping and plots Unreleased

  • Changed from ‘burst’ name to ‘group’ name. This includes changing ind_burst -> s_group (single group) and multi_burst -> c_grouping (column grouping). Verbage has also been changed in all documentation.
  • Relative angle added to summary_sftrack, as well as fixing issue where absolute angle was calculating 180 from actual angle.
  • ‘Active_group’ were placed back at the column level. This means that any row level group does not have an active burst, but a column collection of bursts can define which of those groupings are ‘activated’.
  • Sort index returns and is an attribute of a column grouping. It is a factor that is recalculated everytime something in the data frame is changed like a subset or grouping is changed. This is to try to bring the sftrack grouping more inline with how dplyr::group_by works internally. You can access this with burst_labels (returns the factor) and burst_names (get just the levels()).
  • Plotting is more streamlined in both base plot and ggplot. A step_mode has been added for sftraj so you can choose to display the individual line segments. Although the default is to calculate the merged trajectories, which is must faster.